How to Release Neurotic and Muscular Holding Patterns

Elliot Hulse releasing neurotic and muscular holding patterns (


What are we doing to ourselves? Our nervous systems are so damaged. Our nervous system, our organs, our muscular system all hold us prison. We’ve been conditioned that way. Your brain is like an antenna and remote control that the world holds and forces it in a direction that it wants you to go. Your parents, schools, politicians, priests. They impose these neurotic demands that are completely inhumane, completely against human natural tendency and expression. They Imprison you. It’s like a mental fucking prison. It’s a mind nervous system prison that shackles down the true human expression that is within you. When you’re a baby it flows so freely. But then your told to shut up, don’t move, behave. It’s not that you want to hurt anybody it’s not that you want to do anything bad, you just wanna have fun sometimes. You just wanna run around and scream, move your head, you wanna do flips, you wanna jump up and down but its fucking inappropriate. It doesn’t work well in the machine it doesn’t work well in the system. Your not being conditioned to do that, so you hold in. This is where the muscular system literally becomes an actual physical fucking prison. Your muscles turn into bars, they imprison your motility. Your ability to express, because the minute you are subjected to a demand you have to restrain impulse. What retrains impulse? Your fucking muscles. Clench your jaw, clench your fists, hold your chest in, pull you belly in, you don’t breathe deeply. You literally hold yourself prison. Now in the same way its a sudden spiritual imprisonment that’s imposed on you, recognize that its a sudden spiritual imprisonment that you continue to impose on yourself after the bullshit demands have been exposed. One day you need to grow up and realize that none of this is necessary. You can scream you can kick you can cry, you can laugh you can fuck and its normal, its human. But you got to free yourself, no one can emancipate us from mental slavery but ourselves. No one can free you but yourself now. But you have all the inhibitions associated with the conditioning so you don’t let your body express. You don’t let it out of your body. It’s uncomfortable its embarrassing, what will people think what will i think and who is this i that is imposing itself upon your body? What will I think? Look at yourself in the fucking mirror, you can even look at yourself in the mirror and see the flesh that you are and appreciate it and respect it enough to express self. And you’re the fucking gate-keeper, now you’re the prison guard. They did it to you but now you’re doing it to yourself. Well I say fuck you and fuck them. It’s no longer someone else or them or outside, the fuck you and fuck them is inside you, It’s inside you. So the fuck you is really fuck me, get this shit out and stop doing it to yourself. Your doing it to yourself, you have to stop. Expression happens in the body it doesn’t happen in the fucking mind, you want to talk about shit, you wanna go write about shit, you want to think about shit? Your using the prison guard to try to get out of prison. Your body needs to be free. Move your body, shake your body, pound your body, jump your body, kick your body.. shake your body move your body! That’s how you break the prison, that’s how you break the bars. The bars on your nervous system. Break it, tap it, massage it, shake it, respect whats coming up. Oh I know there’s tears in there, I know there’s anger in there, I know there’s joy in there. You feel it coming up, don’t ignore it when you feel it coming up, let it come up, invite it up. Seduce the real you to come out. You will never reach your full potential holding back all of this baggage. Invite it out, seduce it out, spill it out, vomit it out, express it out. And underneath you will find beautiful strong compassionate loving caring creative being that is you.

Core Trait of a True Entrepreneur

Steve Jobs, Former CEO and Founder of Apple Inc., at his personal residence

If your only focus is to be your own boss and generate money, than self employment is for you. The quality of your products and services will be as good as you are and all that hard-earned dough is all yours at the end of the day. For some it’s the perfect solution than going to a 9-5 job every week. They enjoy calling the shots and having the odd contracted employee to help them periodically during the year. For an ambitious visionary who’s less greedy and wishes to reach beyond his or her own personal capabilities, self employment isn’t the answer.

Sometime in the past, we decided a man in an expensive black suite smoking a cigar and sipping a glass of scotch with more money than he could spend defines what capitalist is. An intentional lifestyle which is now associated with the word “entrepreneur” in magazines. So what exactly makes these two words so different? True entrepreneurs don’t care about money. They view it as a tool that allows them to architect companies with the purpose of it benefiting society as a whole. Much like dice are needed to play a board game or paint is needed to create a picture with brush strokes, money is the ingredient needed to bring a vision to life.

The core motivation to collaborate people, innovate, inspire, realize potential and create products and services is entirely intrinsic. Sounds great on paper but in reality there is a ton at stake. Once you put all of the sacrifices of what pursuing a vision actually involves, chasing dollar signs is perhaps the least important reason for doing so.

Sacrifices                                                Benefits

Financial Health                                      Intrinsic Motivation                                                   

Effort and Time                                       Find Purpose

Physical and Mental Health                   Create Fulfillment

Social Life                                              Collaborate People

Relationships                                         Change the world

Work Life Balance                                 Innovation

                                                               Help People

                                                               Inspire Others

                                                               Realize Potential

                                                               A Life of Creativity

Based on the reality that 1 in 5 start-ups go under within two years of launching, its important to go into this death trap with the right mindset and reasoning behind your actions. Would you rather go to sleep bankrupt knowing you tried your best to fulfill a true purpose or rather because you simply wanted to make a buck?  The next time your drooling over the thought of crisp hundred-dollar bills perhaps a re-evaluation is needed for you to decide if your actually cut out to be a “true entrepreneur”.

The Creative Process

Last Monday I spent roughly 4 hours straight designing key aspects of a website that’s been in the works for about 2 months. Theirs a lot to take into account, simplicity, ease of use, content layout, color themes the list goes on forever. After making hundreds of alterations, changing colors, adjusting lines, creating buttons, I closed my laptop screen mid session. Acknowledging that things were going no where It was time to leave it alone and come back at a different time. This happens a lot and its suppose to. Why? Simply put, creating something out of nothing takes a lot of vision, persistence and patience. There is and always will be countless hours spent creating things you hate. This is mandatory because moving forward in the design process means getting bad creations out of your system in order to move onto having good ones.  Whether your designing a website, creating a painting, writing a book or developing a corporate brand you have to allow the variables needed for the finished product to surface how they want to, it’s out of your control.

I came back two days later to find myself having one of the most productive and creative sessions yet.

Trusting Yourself

Sometimes life seems like its spinning. Much is going on right now personally with education, relationships, family, friends careers…etc. You start putting life into perspective, eager to know how or when some specific aspects of the future are going to fall into place If they haven’t already. Currently I’m contemplating making a decision that’s out of my own comfort zone regarding a career path I want to pursue that’s causing a little bit of anxiety.  Luckily we can gain the proper perspective, insight and motivation from people all over are planet who have gone through what we need help with. Assuming you are dealing with something in your life whether its physically, mentally or spiritually, I invite you to find a mentor to assist you in your own journey to figuring things out. Here’s some advice from one of my own that’s helping me…

“If we trust ourselves we’re going to create something brand new. One of the problems is that it doesn’t always look the way other peoples experiences have been, but wouldn’t that be boring? Why do you want other peoples experiences? See, they’ll give you the right path to follow in order to have their experiences, but don’t you want your own? It might not look so neat and clean and similar to the well travelled path as everyone else’s, it might be messy and dirty and you might be hungry.. but its yours! It’s what your guts telling you to do, it’s what your heart’s telling you to do.”

– Elliot Hulse


How to Appreciate Everything

How can you wake up every day and appreciate all aspects of life including the horrible things that occur on a daily basis? It’s actually quite simple. You enjoy light because you’ve experienced darkness. Warm weather is pleasant because you know how cold temperatures feel. Peace exists because at some point there was war. You see for anything amazing to exist we need it’s opposite in order for us to identify its existence. Without feeling sad you would never know how great happiness feels. You don’t have to like all the bad things that occur in our world today but it’s important to understand and appreciate why they are necessary. We need negative things to happen in order for us to experience what positivity is. This simple realization will help you become more awake as an individual. The next time you are having a bad day appreciate it knowing a good day will follow as a result of it.


Young, Motivated and Very Lost? Start Listening to Yourself.

Your the only person that knows what choices to make.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states when an individual finds and maintains feelings of love and importance that they can successfully build personal self-esteem and respect. After this is achieved there is one last development process to go through which is self-actualization.

Self-Actualization can be defined as the full realization of one’s true potential and authentic self. Statistically it’s said that less than 1% of the adult population successfully goes through this process. What this indicates is that it’s highly likely that 99% of people in your immediate environment do not have the capacity to truly experience life how they were meant to.

As a young person I find this information quite profound regarding who I now choose to listen to about life. Perhaps many of us start on a path to self-actualization until it gets sabotaged by people around us influencing information and sharing experiences that has lead them to not reaching their own full potential. Examples including, “Work at a big corporation”, “It’s how things have always been done”, “Don’t do that you’ll get in trouble.”

People well known globally who have participated in the 1% include Mother Theresa, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Gandhi to list a few. Despite them being famous, it is said that every single person on the planet has the ability to reach their full potential in life through whichever way they discover.

Here are a few characteristics of the people who have achieved self-actualization:
• Efficient perceptions of reality
• Comfortable acceptance of self, others, nature.
• Reliant on own experiences and judgment.
• Spontaneous and natural.
• Task centered with a goal or vision to pursue
• Free from reliance on external authorities or other people.
• Resourceful and independent.
• Continued freshness of appreciation of life
• Profound interpersonal relationships
• Comfort with solitude
• Non-hostile sense of humor
• Peak experiences
• Socially compassionate
• Few friends

Currently you may exist day to day in a state of frustration and confusion regarding life and where it’s heading. At the same time you might also have feelings of motivation and stubbornness to not giving into the demands of what others may be pressuring on you. What’s important is to not lose yourself in life’s noise. The majority of the population “gives up” on realizing their full potential after a long enough period of time goes by.

The only person who knows what’s best for you is in fact you. Follow your heart and intuition and make decisions based on how your gut feels. Maybe sometime soon you too will join the 1% and experience a life filled with freedom and passion. Live dangerously and see where things take you. Perhaps you are currently going through your own process of reaching self-actualization. If so, 99% of adults won’t understand.

Today I Quit My Job.

When I relocated to my current city I was offered a very normal job with a starting salary of thirty seven thousand dollars at a large corporate bank. While this path was pending another option arose at small hair salon making minimum wage as a receptionist. Without a second thought I took option B.

At this point in my life I had previously been employed at a lending institution and I was still figuring out what direction I wanted to head professionally and personally. What was certain was that I was craving more artistic expression in my immediate enviroment. Following my gut I decided to risk myself financially until I figured out what I needed to.

Today Is my last day and its been just over a year. During this experience I found what I was looking for which was to what degree I enjoy being in the cross road of artistic expression and business.

By taking this position I was left with alot of time to organize my thoughts. It was an enviroment of forced solitude some days which I didnt realize I desperately needed.

After a year of not making any money I discovered alot about myself. After being forced to separate myself from materialism I learned alot about my ego and how it can be heavily influenced by money. One of the most valuable perspectives I gained is how attatched people are to physcial possesions and far we can go to maintain a look of status.

I invite you to take yourself on a path of self discovery. Its the only way you can answer the big questions lingering in the back of your mind. Step away from the rat race and gain perspective of who you are and where you want to go. Often times we hear about adults going through stressful times as a result of years of surpressed feelings and lack of risk taking at a young age. Dont be one of these people. Do something everyday that gets you closer to achieving a life built on a foundation of self honesty, vulnerablitly and passion. After this is accomplished, take the leap into the unknown. After you find what your’re looking for its up to you to decide what your going to do with it.

Drugs and Alcohol When Stressed? Try This Instead.

Brain Slave No More : Elliot Hulse on Youtube
Brain Slave No More : Elliot Hulse on Youtube

When was the last time you yelled or screamed by yourself? When was the last time you broke your normal stiff posture in order to move your limbs freely like you once did as a child? After watching the video above (information in the caption) It made me uncomfortable. Then after listening to the words and understanding what was taking place I realized it’s quite profound. We all experience a time during early development years when expressing our bodies verbally with sounds and moving our limbs freely isn’t allowed in our environment anymore (social conditioning). What we fail to realize is that by halting these forms of expression we are destroying the number one way to release suppressed feelings and stress.

I do the above video about once a month in my car. It’s where I feel safe and alone. Sometimes many different emotions arise during these short sessions. After I feel calm, grounded and my thinking becomes more clear. I started with one loud yell because I realized I had lost touch of how to freely move my body. Slowly after each time doing this I inched closer to finally becoming comfortable violently expressing feelings in a safe secure environment as I would have as a young child. It’s been the only technique that I have came across that really changes the feeling of my nervous system within my body. I don’t feel as tense in my muscles and those anxious feelings I get in stressful times disappear. It allows me to get on with life with my sanity intact.

Create a Personal Shit Storm, Your Life Depends On It.

For most, entering into your early twenties is when you first develop the mental capabilities to start sorting out “the big picture” of what life actually consists of. It’s also a time in which a call to action takes place demanding you to start your life in the real world. Within this window of time often a personal crisis takes place. Many different questions start flying around in your mind pertaining to life, careers, self and relationships. This leaves the following choices; take charge of your life and sort things out or stay where you are and halt any personal development.

High levels of stress, confusion and lack of direction regarding how to deal with this personal crisis tends to have a very strong impact on our nervous systems during this period of time. This is when individuals make the decision to head back home to a safe secure environment or push through it and find their way. This is also when fucking with drugs and alcohol to cope with the situation is not a good idea.

Until an individual gets through what life demands on them they will never mature and develop into an adult. The problem with living in a first world country is that adulthood is now a choice instead of a neccesity as it once was. As long as you have a job and pay your taxes on time, no one will ever bother your content environment.

The answer to developing into who you’re suppose to become as a young adult is to create your own personal shit storm. There is no easy way to do this but its something that must be done eventually. It could mean moving to an entirely different city where everything is new or maybe travelling to a whole other country to volunteer. What ever choice you decide it has to take you on a path that rocks your comfort zone. You will then discover more about yourself and evolve from the experiences associated with doing so.